Making the World a Better Place For All of Us
Water Harvesting & Reclamation/ Conservation of topsoil for Chinchwadi adivasi village (2021)
Objectives of the project
- Desilt the neighbouring government dam reservoir to enhance its water holding capacity and to increase the recharge of groundwater and of the downstream adivasi gaothan open well
- Repair the dam wall to check/ minimise leakage, and increase water retention
- Reduce erosion from upstream/ adjoining lands through rock bunding & re-vegetation
- Recover eroded topsoil from the silted reservoir and transport these to Chinchwadi adivasi farmlands to enhance their fertility.
The proposed project will benefit all the 450-500 adivasi villagers of Chinchwadi, and also several hundred of their cattle, besides benefiting numerous other human and animal visitors to the project region and downstream areas.

Water harvesting

Natural farming, Eco-construction, Biodiversity conservation and documentation, Eco-edu tourism, Children & women development, Sports
Objectives of the project
- Create a collaborative and experiential learning center for urban and tribal people.
- Collaborate with locals to help them become self sustainable with the use of abundant natural resources available to them.
- Conduct workshops related to eco-construction, natural farming, water harvesting.
- Biodiversity conservation and documentation of the local flora and fauna, tribal lifestyle and forest foods